
With board games at the centre, BrætspilsBureauet want to create engaging and learning communities for children and young people throughout Denmark.

In the future, we hope that children and youth will carry the board game culture into their lives to support formative and meaningful communities.

Who are we?

BrætspilsBureauet is a non-profit and charitable association which,

through workshops, game presentations, playshops and events, spreads knowledge of board games and how they can be used for learning, education, training, competence development and increased presence.

BrætspilsBureauet is led by a board comprised of professionals, researchers, board game experts, and practitioners with diverse approaches to board games. They are ready to share their knowledge about games.

How do board games support education?


In many board games, knowledge and experience must be translated into a useful strategy if you want to win the game. It requires, among other things, logical thinking, the ability to analyze and solve problems, as well as social interaction between the players.


When the rules of a game have to be explained, challenged and deepened by everyone, it requires clear communication to the entire group about the game's goals, rules and purpose. At the same time, all games both directly and indirectly communicate a meaning in their gameplay: How the game is experienced, played and interpreted by the players.


Several board games invite reflection along the way, for example, during the evaluation of a strategy one has been following. At the conclusion of a board game, space is created for reflection and evaluation of one's strategy, which is subsequently translated into new strategies for the next time the game is played.

Creative thinking and Cognitive flexibility

Many board games encourage improvisation and adaptability along the way when strategies do not go as expected. This ability is also extremely important in life, where many factors are unknown and/or changing. At the same time, board games challenge the players to communicate creatively within rule-guided frameworks.


Through board games, the players train and learn empathy and understanding of each other's efforts, good intentions and strengths - especially in games that require cooperation.

To dare To fail

In all board games, all learning happens through mistakes. Therefore, all games require players to have the courage to make mistakes. You learn nothing from a game if they constantly win or lose because the friction from the game and/or opponents creates the space for learning.

Unspoken Social Contract

In board games, all players enter into an unspoken contract before the start. A contract to follow the rules, take turns, and exercise emotional control in both failures and successes during the game. This kind of implicit set of rules strengthens learning, empathy and respect for others.

Feel free to contact us to discuss the use of board games with your students