A selection

of our projects

Game Packages for

Educational Institutions

In 2024, BrætspilsBureauet will develop complete "Game Packages," such as a set of 10 different games designed for educational institutions.

Each Game Package has a different focus. For instance, "The Substitute" may include good, easy, and time-efficient board games that promote well-being in the classroom.  Another example is "Collaboration" with just games that focus on good cooperation and effective group work.

These specific Game Packages will be curated by an impartial and external editorial panel, and the games will be able to be used for both social and academic goals; but common to all of them, they want to challenge and develop the students' skills in new ways.



First, students need to familiarize themselves with the rules and understand the game's objectives. This requires language skills in Danish (or other languages if the rules are intentionally not translated).

At the same time, they must learn to analyze the game's strengths and weaknesses and become better at discerning how game systems work and what their built-in messages convey. Students must also learn to make suggestions for other rules, goals or mechanics in the game.


Afterwards, they play the games, which demand a wide range of skills that encompass both professional, social, and relational aspects. This requires the courage to fail, learn, iterate, develop strategies, persuade, and discern cause and effect.

These gaming experiences are framed by "timeouts," where the teacher can pause the games and invite reflection on what is happening among the players in the game. In this way, they play "reflectively," always with learning in mind.


The final step in game formation is to create one's own games or remix two or more different games into an entirely new one. This also trains frustration control, resilience, and teaching skills. The act of building upon the game and creating their own versions puts the students in a masterful situation where, as a "teacher," they further develop the game and simultaneously pass it on to others in the class or other grade levels.

All teaching from BrætspilsBureauet takes place completely analogue and without the use of screens, which is an important point for all activities at the BrætspilsBureauet.

BrætspilsBureauet continuously prepares teacher's guides for each and every game, which also has a short Youtube explanation of the rules, so that everyone gets started with the games faster.

(For those who are not able to read the rules)

Also for diagnoses + other schools

Following BrætspilsBureauets packages for high schools, similar packages will be developed for primary schools, boarding schools, vocational schools, and trade schools.

Game packages vill also be prepared for board game learning within diagnoses such as ADHD, ASD and ADD - of course in collaboration with the relevant researchers, teachers and pedagogues in the field.

Background, Cause and Motivation

The school has become too digital, and research (Eduk / Louise Klinge)

indicates that screens damage the formation of relationships, presence, and development in both children and adults.

One way to reintroduce the analog into education is through board games. Through these games, students not only build academic skills but particularly enhance social and interpersonal skills because the games encourage emotional control, (self)management, empathy, understanding, enjoyment, presence, and non-verbal communication.

The first projects

BrætspilsBureauet will initiate two signature projects to gain insights into the methods and effects of our work.

In the first two projects, BrætspilsBureauet will focus on two well-known challenges: The transition from basic courses to study track classes and 'effective group work.' These projects will be developed in collaboration with teachers and leadership in the educational institutions.

Introductions days for study track classes


In 2017 high school reform established a 10-week basic course for all students, who are then placed in their permanent classes. This has resulted in significant well-being challenges. Therefore, all high schools work with 'introduction days,' but consistently struggle to find effective ways to create strong communities centered around learning.


BrætspilsBureauet's Game-Ambassadors visit the newly formed classes and facilitate a series of progressively developing board games. The games are designed to strengthen students' social and academic communities and their abilities to collaboratively acquire knowledge and skills.

The Effective Group Work


Studies indicate that around 40% of the work in high schools is conducted in groups. At the same time, many experience that group work is not well-facilitated, and it is often the academically strong students who end up carrying the load and thus benefiting the most.


BrætspilsBureauet's Game-Ambassadors, in collaboration with anthropologists, create a specialized program focusing on cooperative games where players have agreed-upon and clearly defined roles and responsibilities. The games are selected based on the premise that everyone has a necessary role to play for it to be possible. Students and teachers, in collaboration with the agents, will evaluate the situations that arise along the way, so the insights can be carried forward into subsequent group work.

Feel free to contact us to discuss the use of board games with your students