Our by-laws


Subsection 1: BrætspilsBureauet is a voluntary, social, and socially engaged organization working towards increased learning, well-being, and education for all children, young people, and adults through the use of board games.

Subsection 2: We are based on a fundamental idea that board games enhance well-being, academic and social development, as well as understanding and experience with democratic communities. The tactile and spatial experiences, such as eye contact facilitated by board games, are particularly important in a digital age.

Subsection 3: Through the use of board games, we teach the value of diversity and each other's different strengths, aiming for players to become aware and independent individuals willing to take responsibility in society and the world.

Subsection 4: Based on both the visible and invisible dynamics of board games, competencies are developed, including patience, concentration, memory, independence, psychological safety, social capital, planning, creativity, as well as analytical, linguistic, and mathematical abilities. These skills benefit everyone in encounters with the education system and life.

Subsection 5: We emphasize a strong anchoring principle, creating sustainable organizational life, camps, tournaments, and alternative events for and with children, young people, and adults. This occurs within a committed community across age, gender, language, ethnic background, religion, and nationality, strengthening cohesion and integration in society.

Subsection 6: We prioritize good camaraderie and particularly encourage children and young people to take shared responsibility for their own and others' learning. This is achieved through the "young leader, young" principle, where active co-responsibility for teaching and organization is encouraged.

Subsection 7: BrætspilsBureauet is abbreviated as BB. The international name of the association is "The Boardgame Bureau."


To realize the purposes mentioned in § 1, the following measures are employed:

1. Collaboration with schools, educational institutions, ministries, municipalities, school policy organizations, and similar actors on relevant learning and educational projects.

2. Strengthen the understanding and stimulate interest in board games by highlighting their many life-enhancing derived effects.

3. Utilize board games as an international "language" to promote dialogue locally, globally, and, for example, the integration of newcomers in Denmark.

4. Ensure learning and quality in teaching materials, nationwide activities, and all other tournaments.

5. Anchor board games as lasting offerings in the local community through the involvement of children, young people, parents, teachers, and volunteers.

6. Conduct curated game nights for companies, organizations, or associations, where BrætspilsBureauet compiles the "game menu" and provides guidance during the games.

7. Conduct training and educational activities.

8. Strengthen the "young leader young" principle, for example, through courses where older students are trained to assist younger students.

9. Organize and/or participate in board game camps where children, young people, and adults actively participate in indoor and outdoor activities.

10. Develop players' perspectives and cultural understanding through participation in international events in Denmark and abroad.

11. Disseminate impact studies and scientific investigations of board games/role-playing games as a contribution to policy development in the social, learning, and integration areas.


PCS. 1. Members of BrætspilsBureauet pay a fee per school year. The amount is determined by the Annual Meeting (ÅM).

PCS. 2. If a subscription has not been paid, the member cannot participate in events and the democratic processes of BrætspilsBureauet.


Subsection 1: The Annual Meeting (AM) is BrætspilsBureauets highest democratic body and authority.

Subsection 2: All members of the Board Games Bureau, as well as internal and external auditors, can attend the Annual Meeting. The board can also invite non-members.

Subsection 3: The Annual Meeting is held every year, preferably in the 2nd quarter. The Annual Meeting is convened with one month's notice.

Subsection 4: The Annual Meeting must have at least the following agenda:

  1. Appointment of a chairman
  2. Board's report
  3. Presentation of the revised accounts
  4. Consideration of submitted proposals
  5. Proposal for budget and membership fees
  6. Election of chairman, vice-chairman, and an additional 3-5 board members. All board members are elected for a term of 2 years. Three people are elected in odd years, and up to 4 people in even years.
  7. Election of 2 internal auditors and 1 auditor substitute. All are elected for a term of 1 year.
  8. Establishment of any other committees
  9. Setting the date for the next Annual Meeting
  10. Any other business

Subsection 5: The Annual Meeting is quorate regardless of the number of attendees.

Subsection 6: The following have the right to vote at the Annual Meeting: Each collective member has one vote, each member of the board and the event committee has one vote.

Subsection 7: A participant can only cast one vote. Voting by proxy is not allowed. Simple majority is decisive. Amendments to the articles of association require 2/3 of the votes of those present.

Subsection 8: A written vote can take place if a request is made.

Subsection 9: Proposals to be considered at the Annual Meeting must be submitted to the board no later than 30 days before.

Subsection 10: An extraordinary Annual Meeting must be held when the board or at least 1/10 of the collective members not in arrears with membership fees request it. The board convenes the meeting, indicating the venue, time, and agenda.


Subsection 1: The Board of BrætspilsBureauet consists of 5-7 individuals. The Board is accountable to the Annual Meeting (AM). The Board establishes its own rules of procedure and can supplement itself if a member resigns prematurely.

Subsection 2: The Board is responsible for finances, strategy, political work, and represents the organization between Annual Meetings.

Subsection 3: The Board hires the General Secretary of BrætspilsBureauet and serves as the employer for all organization employees.

Subsection 4: The Board is authorized, under the responsibility to the Annual Meeting, to declare individuals unworthy of BrætspilsBureauet, making them ineligible to serve as leaders or hold positions in the organization.


The organization is represented by the chairman or vice-chairman of the board together with the general secretary, by two members of the board together with the general secretary, or by the entire board.


Subsection 1: The decision regarding the dissolution of the Board Games Bureau can be adopted at a regular Annual Meeting (AM). For this AM to be quorate, at least two-thirds of the organization's eligible voters must be present. To adopt the dissolution, at least three-fourths of the votes cast are required.

At the AM, a simultaneous decision must be made regarding the assets of the Board Games Bureau, cf. subsection 3.

Subsection 2: If the majority described in subsection 1 is achieved at a non-quorate AM, a new AM will be called, which is quorate regardless of attendance. The dissolution can then be adopted with at least three-fourths of the votes cast. At the AM, a simultaneous decision must be made regarding the assets of the Board Games Bureau, cf. subsection 3.

Subsection 3: In the event of dissolution, the assets of the Board Games Bureau shall be transferred to another game- or play-based educational activity for children and youth as determined by the AM.

Feel free to contact us to discuss the use of board games with your students
