How can boardgames help you?

What are boardgames?

Board games cover all types of physical games that can be played on, for example, a table without the use of electricity. This can also include card games and games without a board. Additionally, the game must require prioritization, choices, and decisions from the players along the way, with interactions between players, excluding, for example, puzzles from the category of board games. Finally, the games must not yield financial gain, excluding all types of games involving money or gambling elements.

What can boardgames do?

Board games strengthen the brain. Many board games are excellent for training patience, concentration, and critical thinking through the rules, objectives, dynamics, and feedback mechanisms of the games.

Through board games, players learn to maintain focus, concentrate, and think ahead, making them more proficient in their studies, promoting well-being, and enhancing life skills. The competition on the board is only a part of the learning activities, as the social behavioral rules and the meta-game around the board are equally important elements.

At the same time, learning occurs physically without the use of screens, contributing to strengthening presence, reducing dissatisfaction, and creating a different kind of learning space.

Why boardgame?

Because games work - and always have worked - as a method of learning, especially when it is more indirect and playful.

Board games create a safe learning space with clear and concrete rules, where players can see themselves and others in new ways.

In the formative space of board games, there are unique opportunities to learn about emotional control, behavior, and social rules, in addition to more measurable academic skills such as mathematics, Danish, English, etc. Through innovative methods, including playful learning, calmness, concentration, and well-being are strengthened for those who need extra support in the education system and for those who seek academic challenges.

Danish School Chess has shown excellent results for years by gathering around the board, but with BrætspilsBureauet, we aim to expand that learning to all types of board games.

How do board games strengthen communities? 

Safe and clear framework

Board games create a focal point for communities - both physically and in terms of content. If someone tends to hesitate when it comes to participating in communities, board games provide an opportunity to engage more comfortably within controlled and clear boundaries.

Common purpose

Board games have a clear common purpose and meaning, allowing people to come together despite their differences.


All players have a role throughout the entire board game, and most often, all players are initially equal in terms of the game's framework - across social and academic distinctions.

Overcome challenges

Board games present fictional, concrete challenges that players can comprehend and overcome. For instance, in cooperative games, players are brought together in new ways because they can overcome challenges within a manageable timeframe.

How will we facilitate learning and communities through board game?

BrætspilsBureauet will draw on editorial panels involving board game developers, researchers, and educators to develop didactic courses related to high-quality board games with a focus on cooperative games and games where strategy and experimentation with different methods are central.

BrætspilsBureauet will collect and create learning-focused modules around board games, which everyone can access freely through an online portal.

In these modules, we always work with three phases.

Before the Game

The game master (for example the teacher, educator, or youth-to-youth instructor) instructs on the most important aspects of the game's rules, universe, and good strategies, as well as the typical roles when playing together.

The Game

The game master assists with an introduction to both the social dynamics and learning elements in the games that are relevant. These can include analytical skills, risk assessments, taking on a role, reading other players, and understanding complex mechanisms, among others.

After the Game

Reflection on the connection between the game's universe and its mechanics, the game's theme, and the group's interactions along the way. There is also a focus on the atmosphere the game creates and how nonverbal communication was during the game. The session concludes with a summary and evaluation of academic and social learning insights gained from the game.

Feel free to contact us to discuss the use of board games with your students