About  BrætspilsBureauet



In 2024, BrætspilsBureauet is future-proofed through a robust financing model

and with local activities anchored in sustainable teams, so nothing stands and falls with individuals. We are an attractive partner who combines play, games and learning methods for the development of professional, social and mental skills and communities.

BrætspilsBureauet is a non-profit organization

dedicated to facilitating the success of more individuals professionally, socially, and mentally, so that more people have a good life with a strong social network, strong learning and well-founded education. The organization aims to possess national expertise in board games and serve as an impartial advisor to schools, municipalities, and companies, guiding them in systematically using board games as a tool to build bridges across gender, culture, and grade levels.

With board games as communication, meeting point and method, we strengthen children and young people academically, socially and mentally in an inclusive and committed community that builds bridges across gender, culture, generations and borders.



How will we reach children and young people throughout Denmark?

  • We will establish a learning portal with didactic courses that everyone can freely use when they need to create a healthy environment for board games.


  • We will donate educational boxes with free board games to schools and educational institutions that can be used at all levels and with different academic themes.

  • We will create a team of Game Agents who can be booked to help with instruction, good game dynamics and reflections after the games.

  • We will advocate an educational policy level to ensure that professionals such as educators and teachers have the opportunity to pursue further education in the use of board games as a learning tool.

Structure, Operations, and Organization

BrætspilsBureauet is a non-profit association, which means that it must not generate profit from activities. All the projects must be funded for the benefit of children and young people.

  • BrætspilsBureauet is represented by the board, which is democratically elected by the members each year.

  • The association is managed by a CEO appointed by the board.

The board develops an annual schedule where BrætspilsBureauet offers workshops and events. These include demonstrations of new board games, guidance on constructing learning experiences based on board games, and game jams where new board games can come to life.

The association will work with different types of events, so that there are relevant offers for both, for example, teachers, library staff, board game cafes and researchers.


Asmodee - Spilbræt - Danspil - Det Dårlige Selskab -Danmarks TankesportForbund - Danmarks Bridgeforbund - Dansk Othello Forbund - Bastard Café - Aalborg Universitet - Frederiksberg Gymnasium - SkyHigh Games - GameInventors

Feel free to contact us to discuss the use of board games with your students
